Time Bomb
December sung dirges with vigor
In Tidewater like a humming lover
draping the sad evening sun
With orange cream and secrets
Hiding from us the knowledge
Of how to live with the weight
Of her call to a wet sleep.
The padded playground layered with leaves
In woods wet and worn
Took us away from the traps
Of school, boredom and unlit rooms
Full of murmuring adults.
We ran serpentine miles
In the aisles between trees
Through openings in vines
Across moss of unbearable green joy.
As interlopers from ‘the burbs’
We set off a pipe bomb
In a womanly hollow
Full of logs and stale water.
Hidden behind pine time sped up
Maples dead at sixty
Churned in a mix master
Bits and pieces of past and present
Looped under each other
Seconds twisted with years
A president landing in the lap
Of a clerk, trains wrapped around planes
Wars and rumors of wars
Plowed in to bark encrusted bits
Shards and sludge dropped on us
And a new world was formed
The fragments of which crawled about
to find a sympathetic glance.
Joshua Kight
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