Where is the boy inside?
Is he scratching at the crust of a cocoon?
Every cell is replaced after fifty years
Seven times seven times over
Each bit of protoplasm is numbered
With lost causes under eyes
Drawn tight over leering shades
Strutting on Dog’s legs
In iridescent feathers
And showing the soul on the tongue.
Where is the new you to woo?
The tracks you left are glowing
So that they are easy to follow
Right in to salt water.
You give your words in crumbs
And the time is gambled
Until the ants line up
And haul it all away.
Where is the transfigured moment?
When hours stretch in to miles
And seconds become entrenched
In the stripes that lap
At the oil on the bottom of the car.
How about meat transfigured in to crystalline stars
That align their gravities
And make the spheres sing high and lonesome
It is just over the horizon
Hidden by the earth’s curves
Because she always keeps her bodice half buttoned.
There are fifty miles to trudge
Before the sun is caught
Looking at us with sideways glances.
Joshua Kight
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Jan20Candy Olson To serve is not only doing for others but puittng the needs of the one true master above mine. OK, I am used to this on some level. I am a Mom. I think to make dinner (so my son can eat), make sure that his bed is made with clean sheets (so that he can sleep better), make sure that his things rae together (so that he can be ready for his day). All this before I even think about taking a shower, or eating myself. OK, not exactly the same I know but I understand the feeling. Whatever I can do to keep my house in order it better for all those that live there.Wait, maybe it is the same. I can make food to feed others, I can wash and clean, to help others,etc. I can do a lot to help others. Here is the trick, does my brain always work that way. NO. I admit it. Sometimes, I want to keep the twenty that is in my pocket rather that give it to the Lord. Sometimes, I want to stay up late and watch TV rather than spend time with God. I pray that I can direct my heart into a giving spirit more often than I do now.