What shall we ask for ?
A softer wind that sends
a simpler life?
A kettle for the kernels of love
that will last longer?
A quiet mind that doesn’t
pluck the feathers
off every beginning?
Please don’t make me go back
to my real life
where broken back Sundays
can’t crawl to safety
and even hiding under the couch
Can’t stop the leaks
in the top of my head.
When shall we ask for it?
When the floor cracks beneath
somber sacks of sins?
When the door flies open
and snow blows in?
We walk through dropping pollen
until there is only one villain
in the room

and he is scratching at the walls
to get out.
I watch you attack the dinner
Before tasting the turkey
there is a sunken garden in your teeth
and walls of mud for me to walk through.
Who shall we ask?
Is there a burning idol
who can make a fake snake
from a pile of rocks?
Is there a flaming shrub
that won’t answer questions with riddles?
I am that I am
That I was, That I will be.
Joshua Kight 11/28/16