Deo Remembers
(The Young Martina)
Twitching in the trumpet vines
Where he laid down last night
Deo dreamed …….
That he was back
in the young Martina’s bed
Listening to every word she said
Back in the house on Blanco street.
Listening to a Latin beat
Back in his young body
Full of hunger and thunder.
But the Sunlight was brittle this morning
As he awakened
His joints loosened their clench
The fluids that pooled in his legs
Began to look for the trails
Back to his vessels
And he had to decide
Where he would eat
The day old muffin
From the shelter.
While he talked and dreamed
Of the young Martina
With her brown skin and Black eyes
And slight smell of sweat
Mingled with beer and Chanel.
Here and now
The sun doesn’t melt
The ice on the sticks
And warmth can’t be felt.
Frost perches on anything green
But the air is hard and clean
Time can be better passed
In the dream
With the young Martina.
Joshua Kight. 2/8/17