Playing the Part of Cain
“I have followed too much the devices of my own heart”
Devices that crawl and flop down intricate passages
Looking in the clefts of rocks or inside graves
Catacombs that fade from the eyes
Dark blue seeping from the touches
Of fallen angels
Who go silent and withdraw.
I need to be forgiven
For speech that tore the flesh
Words full of cowardice
As seeds floating on foam
Splitting themselves over dead soil
Dragging tendrils that never catch
Swinging in chaotic arcs.
What’s needed is elevation.
Where are the sprinting winds rushing up the side of a stone wall
That would make it all okay?
If you could see inside my heart brother
The art the eludes the chaste corners
Seeking to slap and then kiss my audience
Masks the red arch of the cheek
That shame of first failure that will never leave.
Joshua Kight 2/15/11